
Book Haul

Hey! I recently went to a huge book shop and bought a few books. So I thought I would share the books I bought with you! I bought 5 books and hopefully I will be able to read them as soon as I have finished reading my current book. The books I bought are: 1) Paper Towns by John Green 2) And that's...

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Autumn Outfits!

Hey! So today, I thought I would share two of my favourite autumn outfits with you! (I've written in the prices for everything I can remember!) Outfit 1 Outfit 1 - T-shirt 'Always and Forever' - Topshop Jeggings - River Island: £36 Scarf - Primark: £8 Jumper - Jack Wills Boots - New Look  Outfit 2   Outfit 2 - Vest - M&Co:...

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Autumn Tag

Hey! So today I thought I would do the Autumn Tag. I wasn't sure which tag to do but as it's not quite Winter yet, I decided on the Autumn Tag! For Autumn; what is your: Favourite drink? Tea... my favourite drink is always tea. Favourite scent? It has to either be: my 'Fairy Dust' candle by Lilly Flame - bought from John Lewis or...

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Makeup Haul

So I recently went and bought some more makeup and I thought I would share with you what I got. I numbered each item in the picture so that I can tell you about each thing I got below! 1 – Soft Cosmetic Sponges from Boots - £1.95. I normally use makeup brushes to apply my makeup but for a while I have...

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