
Bullet Journal Flip Through


I started my bullet journal back in February of this year after taking inspiration from Ryder Carroll, the creator of the Bullet Journal, and Kara from Boho Berry, who features a lot of pages from her bullet journals on her blog. The idea behind the bullet journal is simple: to have every list, plan and collection of thought all in one place in order to save time, keep you organised and eliminate having a hundred to-do lists lying about all over the place. 
Since starting my bullet journal, I've become a lot more organised. I've also become a lot more motivated as I can see everything I have to do for the day set out on one page.
The notebook I'm currently using is the A5 Leuchtturm 1917 which I bought from Amazon for £12.99. My notebook is in the colour 'Berry' and has dotted pages which I personally prefer to lined pages.
On the first blank page of my bullet journal, I have my key which has every notation I use in my daily plans. I also have a colour index which I no longer use as it ended up being too much hassle trying to colour code every task, besides it's not that hard to know that 'Geography revision' refers to 'school' and 'Run' refers to 'exercise'! Next to the colour index I have a note saying that for Future Planning, to use the Sticky-Note Method. This basically means that for events or notes that are relevant to the future, I just have to pop the information onto a sticky note, and then place it wherever it needs to be. This is an alternative to having a drawn out calendar for future months or using pages out of the back of the notebook for future planning etc. 

The next page is the Index. It's pretty self-explanatory in the sense that I just pop the page number in the first column and then the title or description of the page in the second column. (In the Leuchtturm notebooks the pages are all numbered, as far as I'm aware, and my notebook has 249 pages.)

The next page in my notebook was blank and so using a Lamy Ink Pen I copied out a quote from This Raging Light which I recently reviewed, and made it fill the page. The following page is marked as Page 1 and is where the dotted pages begin and here I have a 2016 Calendar overview. 
On pages 2 and 3 I have a 'Brain Dump' which is an idea I borrowed from Boho Berry. This is where I keep pretty much anything, from passwords to important dates that I need to remember, to future planning notes that don't fit anywhere else in my journal.
On the following double page spread, I have my goals for 2016 (please excuse the fact that I still haven't gotten around to colouring boxes on the second page!) I categorised my goals into 'Personal', 'Fitness & Health', 'School', 'General', 'Blog', 'Family', and 'Travel', just to separate things out a bit and make the page a bit more exciting to look at. 
Finally, on page 6 I have my '17 before 2017'. This page is essentially just a list of goals or activities that I want to do before 2017. My list isn't full yet, as so far I have only gotten up to 10, but later in the year, I plan to add more to this list. Think of it as a Bucket List; something that I can add to as well as cross off at the same time. 

The following pages are where I started my Bullet Journal with my monthly set up for February, which is then of course followed by March and then April, but considering I am now on page 55, I thought it would be a bit too much to fit into one blog post, so let me know if you want to see more. xx

Mentions in this post - 

Some of my favourite Bullet Journalers - 

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