
MAC Haul

Last week I took a little trip to buy some high end makeup and the majority of the things I bought were from MAC. As I have never done a high end haul before, I thought it would be fun to give it a go. I bought three products from Mac and they were a pressed powder, an eyeliner and an eye shadow....

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Majorca Photo Diary (Days 7-9)

Welcome to the second and final Majorca Photo Diary installment! Day 7 - Salted Asparagus Day 7 - A delicious meal from a lovely restaurant  Day 7 - A giant ant playing the guitar Day 7 - Empty streets Day 8 - Mountains Day 8 - Pesto pasta in fancy Day 8 - A few strawberries on top of a bowl of whipped...

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Majorca Photo Diary (Days 1-6)

Hello, hello, hello and welcome to the first installment of my Majorca Photo. Last week I was lucky enough to visit the beautiful island of Majorca, so today I am going to bring to you my photo diary. If you didn't catch my Florida Photo Diary entries all the relevant links will be at the bottom of this post. Day 1 - An...

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Florida Photo Diary (days 13-18)

I apologize for the delay, but here is the final installment of my Florida Photo Diary. This trip has been the second time I have vacated to Florida and I absolutely love it there, so hopefully I can go back in the years to come. Day 13 - A shopping outlet we visited Day 13 - A cute squirrel I spotted Day 14...

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Another Update - sorry!

I´m currently in Spain on holiday and as a result blogging has appeared to be a little harder than expected. However I will be blogging again as soon as I get home. Once I am back in the UK, I will upload all the posts I have missed which will include my final Florida Photo Diary installment and my Mallorca Photo Diary. In...

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August Birchbox

Due to some implications, i.e I spent the day with my best friend. I can unfortunately not bring you the third and final installment of my Florida Photo Diary. I promise I will have it ready for Friday but for now, I present to you, a good old Birchbox unboxing!  This month Birchbox is celebrating everything that makes summer holidays fun. All the samples...

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Bath & Body Works Haul

When one is in the US, an elongated shopping trip to Bath & Body Works is a must. Therefore, today I bring you a B&BW Haul, showing you all the things I have bought! In the picture above going left to right: ~ Pear and Wood Cider ~ Meyer Lemon ~ Sweet Clementine ~ Sweet Plum & Verbena ~ Eucalyptus Spearmint (Stress Relief)...

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