
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost

Just over a week ago I met up with a new close friend of mine to go for a wander. Simmy and I spent a good few hours chatting, eating ice cream, making plans for the future and wandering through beautiful woodland and I have to say, it was one of the loveliest afternoons I've had in a long while. What I'm Wearing: Top:River Island//Leggings:New Look//Cardigan:Primark//Necklace:Primark...

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Tumblr, oh Tumblr.

Tumblr. My microblogging bestie. A portal of text posts and gifs to enlighten me. Well today, I thought I would enlighten you. Or rather just present some of the posts I have liked/reblogged recently; to show you a little snippet of my tumblr blog! First I thought I would share with you some of my recent reblogged stuffs that have made an appearance....

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