
When in Wales...

In September, myself and seventy-six others made our way to North Wales for a four day Geography Trip. The sole purpose of this trip was to collect data for our coursework. So in other words, seventy-seven students from Greater London trudged over to North Wales, to dig up some soil and put in it a microwave for a few minutes; why? Because data...

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Product Review: Lavender & Tea Tree Face Lotion from AA Skincare

This Lavender & Tea Tree Moisturising Face Lotion by AA Skincare is advertised to be a light, easily absorbed lotion to moisturise, tone and restore skin. It is also said to be ideal for spot prone and blemished skin yet suitable for all skin types. The product comes in a 100ml plastic bottle with a plastic pump and plastic lid and sells for £6.96. Lavender & Tea Tree Moisturising Face...

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