
Cortina & The Dolomites

Nothing makes a holiday quite like a trip up the Alps. Personally, I'm not the type of person to enjoy lying on a beach relaxing for days on end, I mean it's great for a few days, but eventually, the urge to explore takes over. So when we were in Italy, myself and the fam took a trip to Cortina and then onto...

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Men Explain Things to Me & the comments of a feminist

Men Explain Things to Me, and Other Essays was written by Rebecca Solnit - an author of several books and a generous thinker, contributing to the feminist movement.  Men Explain Things to Me, And Other Essays by Rebecca Solnit Currently sitting on a hotel balcony, reading the aforementioned essays, the idea arose that I could comment on the first essay, and give my...

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Current Situation in Existance - an ice cream crisis and thoughts from Italian soils

Currently in Italy with the fam, lying on a sunbed in 30-degree heat. Observations - I'm not a fan of heat, at least not without a fan present. - As much as lying on the beach is hella fun, I'd prefer to be hiking or abseiling or cycling or just up in the mountains somewhere experiencing those picturesque landforms. - Deffo not a...

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A day on the City on Water

This week I've been attempting to do what most people call 'relaxing' but what I prefer to call 'wasting time doing nothing,' therefore instead of lying on a sunbed soaking up the 30-degree heat doing the relaxing thing, I'm being productive. Hats off to moi. Myself, my dearest madre and my brother hopped on a flight to Italy on Friday to spend a week near Venice, and a...

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I know it's mid-way through July already but ssshhh time doesn't even exist... Was thinking I could start doing these little 'my month in photos' type of things, just as a way to get a little closure on each month and move on from everything that seems to slap me in the face day in day out. So without further ado, your presence...

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