
A to Z Book Survey


The A to Z book survey is a bit a like a tag. It contains questions, which you answer. Simple enough..
There are 26 questions all relating to books. Each question starts with a letter of the alphabet going in order.
I first saw this on My So Called Chaos (which you should totally check out btw!) and it looked like fun, so this week I thought I would give it a whirl!

A - Author you've read the most books by:
Probably Ally Carter as I have read most of the books she has ever written.
B - Best sequel ever:

A Midsummer Tights Dream by Louise Rennison. This book follows on perfectly from Withering Tights.
C - Currently reading:
Paper Towns by John Green

D - Drink of choice whilst reading:
Tea. Always tea.
E - E-Reader or physical book:
Definitely a physical book. I think E-readers/kindles are good, but i much prefer reading from an actual paper book!
F - Fictional character you would have a crush on:

Probably Nico from the Medusa Project written by Sophie McKenzie, because his character is really charismatic and charming.
G - Glad you gave this book a chance:

Small Blue Thing and the other two books that follow it in the trilogy - written by S.C. Ransom. I wasn't really sure about these books at first but I would definitely recommend them! 
H - Hidden gem book:

So Much To Tell You by John Marsden. It's a really great book about a girl who withdrew to silence by her eventful scarring past. The book is basically her diary which she was told to write by one of her school teachers. I really love this diary format of the book; as it gives you an insight to the characters dark, cracked mind.
I - Important moment in your reading life:
Okay, this is going way way back! But when i read my first book all by myself, with no help what so ever. I think i was about five and a half. And the book was called the grasshopper and the caterpillar.. or something like that. I still have the book somewhere i think!
J -  Just finished:

United We Spy which is the 6th and final book in the Gallagher Girls series. In my opinion, this book was a brilliant conclusion to the series and was really well written. Although I was kinda sad after I finished it as I knew there would be no more Gallagher Girls books to come..

K - Kinds of books you won't read:
History and Historical fiction books have never really interested me, also science fiction as it tends to be a little to sciencey for my liking!
L - Longest book you've ever read:

I have absolutely no idea on this one, so I am just taking a wild guess.. probably The Faraway Tree Stories by Enid Blyton. I read this book when I was about 9 years old, and technically it was three books in one but I like consider it to be one whole book!
M - Major book hangover because of:

Perfect Scoundrils by Ally Carter which is the latest book in the Heist Society series. I literally didn't want to read for about two weeks after finishing that book because the plot was so intense it constantly played on my mind!
N - Number of book cases you own:

O - One book you have read multiple times:

Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. I have probably read this book over ten times, I have seen pretty much all of the movie versions and I have the movie soundtracks on my IPod. You could say that I'm slightly obsessed with the curiosity Alice brings. The title of my blog is also a quote from the book, but that's a story for another post!
P - Preferred place to read:

In bed, all cosied up beneath my duvet. 
Q - Quote that inspires you from a book you've read:
"I don't think..." said Alice. "Then you shouldn't talk" said the Hatter - Alice in Wonderland. (Who could've guessed!?)
R - Reading regret:

Marianne Dreams by Catherine Storr. This book had a good story line but there wasn't much to it. It took me ages to finish this book as in my opinion it was just words on a page with not much meaning. This book also didn't really connect with the reader.
S - Series you started but still need to finish:

I can't really think of a series. I'm pretty good at making sure I finish the books I have started reading!
T - Three of your favourite books:

Okay, I'm going to slightly change this question to 'Three of your favourite series' as I honestly can't pick out just 3 books!
So I would have to say, the Medusa Project series, The Heist Society series and the Gallagher Girls series.
U - Unapologetic fangirl for:

Alice in Wonderland.
V - Very excited for this release more than others:

I can't really think of any books that will coming out soon that I am interested in...
W - Worst bookish habits:
Turning the corner of a page to mark where i have got up to. Over the years i have had numerous bookmarks but i always seem to loose them. So when i want to mark where i have got up to in a book i dog-ear the page. I really hate doing it because now loads of my books have creases in the pages, but its just a habit i can't stop!
X - X marks the spot! Start at the top of your shelf and pick the 27th book along:

Ways to Live Forever by Sally Nicholls
Y - Your latest book purchase:

Probably all the books I purchased from Waterstone's, which admittedly was quite a while ago but I tend to buy a bunch of books in one go. You can check out that book haul here.
Z - Zzz snatcher book - a book that kept you up late at night:

Probably Girl Missing by Sophie McKenzie.

So that's it! Leave a comment with book recommendations if you want, or just tell me some of your favourites!!

xoxo Ellen

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