
Get the Label Product Review

Get the Label is an online website which sells designer clothes for discounted prices. They sell brands from Converse to Ralph Lauren to French Connection.  Disclaimer: *I was recently asked to review one of their products. I did not buy this coat myself, I was instead sent it for free in exchange for an honest review. Please note that all comments and opinions are...

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So You're Starting Your GCSE's... (The School Masterpost)

I started my some of my GCSE courses in Year 9, the rest I started in Year 10. This year, I'm taking all my exams. So I have pretty much grasped what it's like to endure studying 11 courses at once, only to know that you will have to sit 20+ exams at the end of them. These tips are aimed at those...

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Mirror Mirror, on the wall

Who's the fairest of them all? "Lips red as blood Hair black as night Bring me your heart Dear Snow White" A short while ago, myself and Bethany went about doing our makeup in the style of the Disney Princesses. It was so much fun to take inspiration from them, and today I want to show you my attempt at Snow White's makeup. It...

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