
Travel Blogging vs Travel Journalling


It has recently been brought to my attention that Travel Journalling isn't quite all it's made out to be; and that maybe I'd overlooked the benefits of Travel Blogging as an alternative. Anyways, here are my thoughts on both, to enlighten your little minds, you're welcome. xx
Images taken from Pinterest
Don't get me wrong, I love a good notebook. There's a certain novelty that comes with writing in a brand new notebook and sticking in Polaroids with travel themed washi tapes... but it takes time, and if you've spent the entire day adventuring are you really going to want to return to your hotel to spend an hour or so writing everything down. I suppose you could write as you go along, it would split up your day and you could write a little more 'in the moment.' But realistically are you going to get the chance? I suppose you'll have the time during the day if you maybe have an hour long train journey either side of your outing, but if not, then it's a little annoying to have to spend ages documenting everything down when you just want to shower and sleep. It's at this point that the novelty wears off.

Travel blogging is a little easier, you can just upload the photos from your phone and type up your thoughts as and when you can - it's less time consuming as typing is often quicker than writing, and can be a little more chatty and a little less formal. It's also cheaper due to the not having to buy washi tapes and pens and notebooks and a Polaroid camera and any other stickers or decorative fabrics you may need for a journal. Travel blogging also comes with the benefit of having your thoughts actually being read by other people, whereas travel journals often just end up sitting on a dusty bookshelf for years. 
Earlier this summer, I tried to spend a few days both Travel Journalling and Travel Blogging - blogging the bigger, more adventurous days, and journaling every bit of every day. Personally, even after only a few days, I established that I definitely prefer blogging; purely because it's less time consuming and more practical as I can blog wherever and whenever as long as I have my phone on me. However the novelty of the travel journal still remains, it would be lovely to look back on each summer and see what I got up to through the means of flicking through a notebook filled with leaflets and Polaroids. But at the end of the day, I think I'm going to have to ditch the travel journal and stick to the blogging, but hey, maybe I'll give it another go in the future.
Let me know your thoughts on this very serious matter in the comments pls xx

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